Sociální prostředí
Indikátory / Plánování v oblastech sociálního prostředí
Podíl nezaměstnaných osob
Podíl nezaměstnaných osob
Podíl nezaměstnaných osob
Proportion of total government spending on essential services (education, health and social protection)
Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, by sex, age and location
Proportion of youth (aged 15–24 years) not in education, employment or training
dostupnost služeb
connection to services
Long-term unemployment rate
Počet osob bez domova či v ohrožení jeho ztrátou
Podíl obyvatel ve věku 65 a více let (%)
Percentage of low-income population living in urban areas that are not within walkable distance of a full-servicegrocery store ČR
Percentage of households paying > 30% of monthly household income toward housing costs
Percentage of households that exist without registered legal titles
Jobs/housing ratio
Political participation
Physical exercise
Independent living
Financial security (three indicators)
Physical safety
Lifelong learning
Remaining life expectancy at age 55
Share of healthy life expectancy at age 55
Mental well-being
Use of ICT
Social connectedness
Educational attainment
Proportion of streets in the neighbourhood with pedestrian paths that meet locally accepted standards
Proportion of older people who report that their neighbourhood is suitable for walking, including for those who use wheelchairs and other mobility aids
Number of rest places and distance between rest places
Number of accessible washrooms
Safe crosswalks (e.g. with appropriate crossing times, mid-block crosswalks on long streets, median rest stops, good visibility)
Sidewalks, trails and walkways present and in a safe condition (e.g. with smooth surfaces, curb cuts, separate bike lanes; wide, well lit, clear of ice and snow)
Streets with clear and appropriate street signage and lane markers
Proportion of new and existing public spaces and buildings that are fully accessible by wheelchair
Proportion of older people who report that public spaces and buildings in their community are accessible for all people, including those with limitations in mobility, vision or hearing
Proportion of public buildings (of a certain type/function) that have adequate access and manoeuvrability (e.g. access at ground level, level entry, wheelchair ramps, automatic doors, wide aisles to accommodate scooters and wheelchairs)
Percentage of people aged 55 years and older who feel very safe or safe to walk after dark in their local area
Numbers of falls and other injuries of older people (occurring in public places
Proportion of people aged 65 years and older who have access to and use public transportation
Availability of a range of affordable options for transportation (including public/private partnerships, volunteering driving programme, park and go, shuttles)
Proportion of public transport vehicles with designated places for older people or people with disabilities
Proportion of older people who report that public transport vehicles (e.g. train carriages, buses) are physically accessible for all people, including those with limitations in mobility, vision or hearing
Proportion (or number) of buses that are accessible and clean and have destination and number clearly displayed
Proportion of older people who report that public transportation stops are accessible
Safe and accessible bus stops/ shelters (e.g. with seating, well lit, covered, snow removed, close to senior’s residences)
Proportion of priority parking spaces at new and existing public facilities designated for older people or people with disabilities
Proportion of older people with a special parking permit for older or disabled drivers who report that designated priority parking spaces are adequately designed and available
Parking lots and spaces kept clear of snow and ice
Proportion of housing within walking distance (500 metres) of a public transportation stop
Proportion of older people who report that public transportation stops are accessible
Availability of a resource listing agefriendly home maintenance, support and care-giving services
Proportion of older adults among all reported visitors to local cultural facilities and events
Proportion of older people who report participating in sociocultural activities at their own discretion at least once in the last week (e.g. meeting friends/neighbours; taking part in civic, spiritual or cultural activities; volunteering or working)
Proportion of older people who are members of a self-organized or institutionalized leisure-time physical activity group
Proportion of older people who report participating in group physical activities in their leisure time
Proportion of older people who enrolled in education or training, either formal or non-formal, in the past year
Proportion of people aged 55–74 years who state that they received education or training in the four weeks preceding the survey
Proportion of older people who report being enrolled in education or training, either formal or non-formal, in the past year
Availability of recreation and learning programmes specifically for seniors (e.g. computer courses, community gardens, crafts, games, exercise classes
Availability of intergenerational recreation and social programmes
Availability of opportunities for social participation in leisure, social, cultural and spiritual activities with people of all ages
Affordability of seniors’ recreation programmes
Accessible public venues for community-based activities (e.g. adapted washrooms, ramp to enter the building, adequate lightning, temperature control)
Number of reported cases of maltreatment of older people (as a proportion of the total number of older people)
Proportion of older people who report feeling respected and socially included in their communities
Availability of intergenerational family activities
Proportion of older people providing care to children and grandchildren (at least once a week
Proportion of older people providing care to older adults (at least once a week)
Proportion of older population (aged 55 years and older) providing unpaid voluntary activity through organizations (at least once a week
Proportion of older people who are currently unemployed
Proportion of older people who are currently employed (in fiveyear age groups, 55–74)
Proportion of older people who report having opportunities for paid employment
Proportion of eligible older voters who voted in the most recent local election or legislative initiative
Proportion of older people who report being involved in decision-making about important political, economic and social issues in the community
Proportion of older population aged 55 years and older taking part in the activities or meetings of a trade union, political party or political action group
Availability of support for volunteers (e.g. training, transportation, reimbursement of expenses, method of appreciation)
Availability of training opportunities related to the accommodation of seniors’ needs in the workspace
Availability of local sources providing information about health concerns and service referrals, including by phone
Proportion of older people who report that they know who to call if they need information about health concerns and relevant services in their communities
Proportion of older people living in a household with Internet access at home
Proportion of people aged 55–74 years using the Internet at least once a week
Proportion of older people who report having access to the Internet at home
Availability of assistance for seniors with filling out forms
Availability of a live person option on telephone calls
Materials for the public produced in large print, plain language and/or with age-friendly considerations
Proportion of people aged 55 years and older who report no unmet need for medical and dental examination or treatment during the 12 months preceding the survey
Proportion of seniors with a primary care physician
Availability of prevention programmes related to health issues of high relevance to seniors
Availability of end-of-life support for seniors, their families and caregivers
Proportion of older people with personal care or assistance needs that are receiving formal (public or private) home- or community-based services
Proportion of older people who report having their personal care or assistance needs met in their home or community through the use of formal (public or private) services
Availability of low-cost food programmes (e.g. meals on wheels, wheels to meals, food bank)
Availability of assistance for activities of daily living (e.g. yard work, shopping, snow removal, garbage collection)
Proportion of employees of local government agencies, community organizations and service providers who participated in emergency response training or drills that addressed the needs of older residents in the past year
Proportion of older people who report participating in emergency response training or drills in the past year that addressed the needs of older residents
Proportion of people aged 65 years and older who are not at risk of poverty; alternatively: relative median income (see AAI (3.4)
Proportion of people aged 65 years and older who are not severely materially deprived
Proportion of older people who self-rate their overall quality of Life as “very good (5)” or “good (4)” on a scale ranging from “very poor (1)” to “very good (5)”
Počet osob bydlících v sociálně vyloučené lokalitě
Počet exekucí
Hrubá podlažní plocha připadající na jednoho studenta (m2)
Metodické dokumenty / Plánování v oblastech sociálního prostředí
APA: Indikátory pro plánování zdravých komunit (2017)
APA - Metrics for Planning Healthy Communities (2017)
Asociace American Planning Association (APA) vyvinula sadu nástrojů, která pomáhá plánovačům integrovat zdraví do plánovací praxe a rozhodnu...
Zpracovatel/garant: American Planning Association (APA)